Smile Study Discussions with Dr. Jason

When Carter first walked into PDAO at eight years old, Dr. Jason immediately recognized the challenges ahead – Carter’s front teeth were misaligned, and there was significant crowding of his upper and lower canine teeth. The path to a perfect smile was not going to be a simple one, but Dr. Jason saw an opportunity to make a positive impact on Carter’s dental health and self-esteem.

The Early Phase of Treatment

Despite Carter’s young age, Dr. Jason decided that initiating an early phase of orthodontic treatment was the best course of action. This would involve generating space for the crowding canines to erupt properly, which could preclude the need for extracting any future teeth. For Carter, this involved using an expansion appliance in tandem with braces on both his upper and lower teeth.

This early intervention paid off in spades, allowing for the necessary space for the canine teeth to develop naturally without resorting to extractions. Dr. Jason and his team monitored his progress closely, and Carter enjoyed the benefits of a much-improved smile while still very young.

Revisiting at Age 12

Four years later, at age twelve, Carter returned for further assessment. His teeth were much more aligned, although there were still minor issues with crowding in a few canine areas. However, these were manageable with much less intensive treatment thanks to the early intervention. Dr. Jason emphasizes that this phase was significantly easier on Carter, requiring less time in braces and reducing discomfort.

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Dr. Jason advocates for early orthodontic treatment, especially in cases similar to Carter’s. 

According to him, the benefits are multi-fold:

  1. Minimized Time in Braces: Carter spent less overall time in braces, making the treatment process smoother and less invasive.
  2. Avoidance of Extractions: They successfully avoided the need for extracting premolar or permanent teeth, a common concern in significantly crowded dental cases.
  3. Improved Confidence: Perhaps the most profound benefit was Carter’s ability to experience having straight teeth from age eight to thirteen.

The Outcome

Now, Carter is a senior in high school, boasting not only a radiant smile but also standing out as a key player on the FHS baseball team. Dr. Jason’s commitment to Carter’s dental health underscores the transformative power of early orthodontic intervention. Carter’s journey from a young boy with crowded teeth to a confident young man with a flawless smile is a testament to the success of such treatments. If your child is showing signs of dental crowding or is concerned with the alignment of their teeth, don’t hesitate to set up a new patient exam with us!

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