Smile Study Discussions with Dr. Jason

Welcome to another Smile Study Discussion with Dr. Jason, who walks us through a particularly complex case. In this case study, we delve into Molly’s challenging dental journey and how precise medical intervention turned a potentially stressful experience into a success story.

Dr. Jason first met Molly when she was about eight or nine years old, and her primary concern was the alignment of her front teeth. Initially, an early intervention was opted for to align her teeth better and to create additional space for her permanent teeth to come in naturally.

Upon completion of the first phase, Molly’s teeth were better aligned, and there was an optimistic outlook for the future. However, six months later, a new concern arose. Both of Molly’s upper canine teeth were coming in at an angle, deviating from the ideal path where they should come in right behind the baby teeth they were to replace.

In response, Dr. Jason decided to remove a few baby teeth obstructing the path of the erupting permanent canines. Unfortunately though, after another six-month observation period, the canine teeth were not only failing to improve but were worsening in position.

Given this development, Dr. Jason referred Molly to an oral surgeon for an exposure procedure to assist the impacted permanent teeth in erupting correctly. This procedure was essential to protect the roots of the other permanent teeth, preventing a phenomenon known as root resorption which could irreparably damage the existing teeth.

Following the exposure and initial eruption of the canines, it was time to bring the braces into play. With the newly exposed teeth, Dr. Jason and his team applied braces to continue aligning Molly’s teeth, marking the final phase of the treatment plan.

After extensive treatment comprising early intervention, oral surgery, and orthodontic alignment, the results were spectacular. You would never be able to tell that Molly had impacted teeth or had issues during her treatment. Molly’s case is a testament to the meticulous planning, timely interventions, and collaborative efforts between an orthodontist and an oral surgeon!

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